York Mystery Plays

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2019 - A Nativity for York

In December 2019 the group of enthusiasts and actors forming the York Mystery Plays Supporters Trust staged A Nativity for York as their first independent production. Previously they had taken part in the Plays in Museum Gardens, in the Minster and on wagons. They have since repeated a Nativity in several York Christmases. The text was prepared from the eight plays about Jesus' birth - from The Annunciation and Visitation (the Spicers Guild) up to The Purification of the Virgin (The Hatmakers, Masons and Labourers Guild) and was performed in the Spurriergate Centre in the medieval church of St Michael, Spurriergate, which dates from the late 1110s. Cast list:
Joseph: Chris Pomfret
Mary: Raqhael Harte
Shepherd 1: Ged Murray, Shepherd 2: Michael Maybridge, Shepherd 3: Jenna Drury (Below, they see the angels)
King 1: Ben Turvill, King 2: Stephanie Walker, King 3: Wilma Edwards
Angels and Musicians: Anna Briggs, David Denbigh, Jodie Fletcher, Lily Geering, Judith Ireland, Linda James, Nick Jones, Sonia di Lorenzo, Sally Maybridge, Harold Mozley, Denise Oliver, Val Punt, Tracey Rea, Lucinda Rennison, Joy Warner
Director: Phillip Parr (he also arranged the music)
Associate Director: Terry Ram  king with Mary
Producer: Simon Tompsett
Costume Designer: Filip Gesse
Production Manager: Leonie Hertig
Stage and Techncial Director: Dave al Bahrani-Peacock
Asst Stage Manager: Janice Newton
Props Designer and maker: Julie Porter
Costumes makers: Kia Jackson, Janice Newton, Mary Perham, Shiela Shouksnith
Front of House: Gary Bateson, with FoH team: Ruth Cozens, Lynn Gregory, Pat Hill, Kia Jackson, Jenny Kilmartin, Felicia McCormick, Margaret O'Donnell, Joan Pritchard, Judy Reed, Felicity Semple, Shiela Shouksmith, Hilary Spurling, Phil Turner, Sandra Wadleyshepherds see angels
Production photographers: Nick Ansell, John Saunders
Artist in Residence: Lynn O'Dowd
Production image: Greg Goodale
Production image model: Olivia Negrean  king high in church
See also this page.
And this page.
angel appears