Music at 2014 Wagon Plays
This page aims to contain photos of all of the musical groups who accompanied the Wagons as they performed York Mystery Plays on 13 and 20 July 2014.
The NCEM's own musical group, the Minster Minstrels were invited to perform medieval music as the audience assembled in Dean's Park before 'wagons rolled.'

As usual the York Waits were the most prominent performers accompanying our local Mystery Plays. Here they lead the Macebearer of the Guild of Builders to the College Green playing station. The Guild performs the 'Creation of the World to the Fifth Day'.
The Taborers Society accompanied York Settlement Community Players performing 'Christ before Annas and Caiaphas' on 13 July. On 20 July (shown here) they accompanied University of York St John performing 'Woman taken in Adultery and Raising of Lazarus'.
Trumpeters of the Bagshotte Waytes on 20 July accompanying 'Christ before Annas and Caiaphas', in Dean's Park. In red and white parti-coloured tunics below are the Lincoln Waits, who accompanied the play of the 'Angels and Shepherds', brought forth by the Guild of Scriveners.

The men and women of the Doncaster Waits on 13 July accompanied the 'Massacre of the Innocents' and 'The Resurrection'. On 20 July they accompanied the 'Fall of Man' and the 'Harrowing of Hell'. Here they are at St Mary's Abbey, at the Museum Gardens playing station.

The Gloucester Waites on 13 July accompanied 'Christ's Entry into Jerusalem'. Here they look on at Dean's Park. Pictured at the King's Manor, a new playing station for 2014, are DeMowbrays Musicke, who on 13 July accompanied the Cappers Pageant brought forth by York St John University.
The Leeds Waits are regularly in York, in their stylish blue and gold and feathered hats. On 13 July they accompanied the Fall of Man and the Death of Christ, and on 20 July they were with the Massacre of the Innocents and the Resurrection.

Also pictured at the King's Manor, at the bottom of the page are the Colchester Waits, who accompanied the play of the Baptism of Christ.